Frontend Web Development

Front-end web development, aka client-side development is the practice to produce a Page’s Foundational Structure with HTML, Presentational Styling with CSS and the Interactivity with JavaScript for a website or Web Application so that a user can see and interact with them directly. Major Challenge associated with front end development is that the Software tools and techniques that are used to create the front end of a website change constantly and very rapidly so the developer really needs to be constantly be aware of how the field is shaping up and adapt/learn accordingly.

Front-end web development is the practice of converting data to a graphical interface, through the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, so that users can view and interact with that data. ~ Wikipedia

If you are designing/building a site, your main objective is to ensure that when the users open up the site they see the information in a format that is easy to read and relevant. This is now further complicated by the fact that users now use a large variety of devices with varying screen sizes and resolutions thus forcing the Front-end Developer to take into consideration the responsive aspects when building out a site. We need to ensure that the site comes up correctly in different browsers (cross-browser), different operating systems (cross-platform) and different devices (cross-device), which requires careful planning on the side of the developer.

Front-end Web development

My Frontend Development Skills:

  • HTML & CSS
  • Sass/SCSS
  • JavaScript/JSX
  • TypeScript/TSX
  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt.js (Vue)
  • React.js
  • Next.js (React)
  • Vuex
  • Vue Composition API
  • Redux
  • Hooks & Context API
  • Vercel SWR
  • Vue Apollo Client
  • React Apollo Client
  • GraphQL Request Client

My UI/UX Development Skills:

  • Tailwind CSS
  • Bootstrap CSS
  • Vuetify
  • Material UI React
  • Zurb Foundation
  • Semantic UI
  • Bulma CSS
  • Chakra UI
  • Animate CSS
  • Styled Components
  • Emotion
  • Rebass.js / Reflexbox


Harman Singh (Harry) joined the BG team as part of the Loyalty Program, and from day one, he demonstrated exceptional proactivity and productivity. He swiftly managed the development setup and took the initiative without needing direction. His ability to partner and collaborate with other team members has been invaluable, significantly elevating the overall team's performance. One of Harman’s standout strengths is his technical expertise. He consistently delivers high-quality code with minimal defects. Harman takes the time to thoroughly understand requirements, adheres to coding standards, and ensures that feature(s) perform at their optimal level. Additionally, he willingly volunteers for extra work and provides support to his colleagues, contributing to their development and success. Harman’s strong communication and interpersonal skills foster a positive team environment and facilitate seamless collaboration. He is an invaluable asset to any team, consistently adding value from the very start. His commitment to excellence and his willingness to go above and beyond make him a standout team member.

Raghavan Yanamandram - Engineering Leader at Neiman Marcus Group.

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